Up Coming Lectures
There will be a total of seven (7) presentations in the Elliott Katz 2023 Lecture Series.
All lectures shall begin promptly at 10:00 a.m., early arrival is encouraged for check in.
The cost for each individual subscription for all seven presentations is $150. In person subscriptions are transferable
Individual tickets now available for $35 each, or a bundle of 4 lectures for $100. Click on “Get Started” below.
Cash or check only if paying at the door. (Payable to History Uncompromised, LLC).
There will be ample parking space for all attendees.
If you have general questions about the lecture series, please contact: LectureSeries@hodges.edu or 239-938-7700.
Upcoming Lectures
Mark your calendars for the 2024 Lecture Series:
· January 12, 2024
· January 26, 2024
· February 9, 2024
· February 23, 2024
· March 8, 2024
· March 22, 2024
· March 29, 2024
*2024 dates subject to change
Thank you for your continued support of the History Uncompromised Elliott Katz Lecture Series Co-Sponsored by
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples and Hodges University.
These lectures will take place at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, 4720 Pine Ridge Rd., Naples, FL 34119.
Tickets can be purchased HERE
January 12, 2024
The United Nations Blinks: Again
January 26, 2024
Very Rich, Very Beautiful, Very Bad
Florence La Caze Gould, married Frank J. Gould son of Jay Gould, once one of America’s richest men. While living in France during WWII, she befriended, enticed and bedded some of the worst Nazi murderers in the country. While the French people starved, she wined and dined Paris’s most odious collaborators. Investigated by J. Edgar Hoover and F.B.I. for treason after the war, what was her excuse? What happened to her and all her wealth?
February 9, 2024
These Were Not Nice Jewish Boys
Jews living in the United States during the 1930s saw an almost unfathomable rise of public displays of anti-Semitism. Radio personalities, pro-fascist anti-Semitic groups and a Nazi front organization called the Bund, jumped on the bandwagon of Jew baiting and harassment. One man, enlisted a group of Jews to stop the bandwagon from rolling, and it worked. They were known nationwide as, Murder, Inc. What did they do?
February 23, 2024
They Said It Couldn’t Happen Here. It Did
19th century America was in turmoil. Soon a Civil War would break out. The fate of the Union hung in the balance. Mormon immigrants who settled in the West would be the subject of an expulsion and extermination order signed by a Missouri governor. Later, a Union General, ordered Jews living in the South to be deported. This man would later become President of the United States. How could this happen and who did this?
March 8, 2024
The Black Experience Under the Swastika. You Will Be Surprised
Adolf Hitler and National Socialism had only hatred and scorn for black skinned people. Considered inferior by the Nazis, their treatment under the swastika was anything but consistent and predictable. Their experience was unique among Nazi victims. Ironically, one black, “American Prisoner of War” became a hero to a generation of white concentration camp and labor camp inmates. Hear about Johnny Nicholas and his courage.
March 22, 2024
The New York Times: It Never Learns
You would think that the scorn heaped upon the New York Times for its irresponsible reporting on the Holodomor and the Holocaust would have taught the paper a lesson. It didn’t. The New York Times reporting on the rise of Fidel Castro, violence in the middle east and Israel’s need to defend itself, reaffirms the view that the Sulzberger dynasty, continues to let ideology, politics and prejudices to dictate what they publish about, what they claim is, “all the news fit to print.”
March 29, 2024
Saluting America and the American Soldier
81 years ago this month the United States Marines captured Iwo Jima, stepping stone to Japan. 6000 Marines died and 18,500 were injured. These men and women are part of the “greatest generation.” Every American owes them a debt of gratitude. Army Sgt. Roddy Edmonds, also showed how courageous, United States servicemen are. Awarded Israel’s highest award, Righteous Among the Nations. Today we tell the story and honor every man and woman serving to protect America.
The Cost For Each Individual Subscription For All Seven (7) in-person Presentations Is $150.
Upcoming Lectures
2023 Lecture Series
The History Uncompromised presentations challenge the conventional view of many 20th Century events.
Critical assessments of long-held assumptions are made, supported by meticulous research.
Archival and original documentation is utilized to demonstrate that history is often recorded or revised to fit political, public and media prejudices and predilections. The use of video, audio and photographic modalities are used to enhance the presentations.
- Event time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Event Location: St. Leo Catholic Church, Auditorium, 28350 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134
- For bulk sales and inquiries, please contact LectureSeries@hodges.edu or call 239-938-7700